Ms. Messinger has a natural concern about the issue, given her long history of involvement in land-use matters.
The Board of Estimate has the final vote on most land-use matters.
Critics in the first group think all land-use matters should go to the Council for final action.
The county has little say in municipal land-use matters, except in affordable housing developments, where it plays a key role.
And after it was debated before the local community board, it drew in the City Council, which has control over land-use matters.
The board's jurisdiction is limited to specific contracts and land-use matters.
She also called for a new land-use commission, with final power on most land-use matters.
On Sept. 1, the Council will receive full authority over most major zoning and land-use matters.
But the Mayor vetoed the Council's measure last week, in his first veto on a land-use matter.
The Charter gives the City Council 50 days to act on a land-use matter.