As the name suggests, this rule determines the number of hands that must land on an offensive player simultaneously to stop the play/first touch situation.
The hilts landed simultaneously on the baize about half a metre apart, either side of the upright wooden triangle.
According to Glover, Lee used his right forearm to deflect an initial kick from the man and simultaneously landed a left punch to the face.
He landed on the covers of Time and Newsweek simultaneously.
It can fire up to 6 rounds in quick succession which will land nearly simultaneously.
Up to four aircraft will be able to land simultaneously, 24 hours a day, minimizing in-air queuing.
Will three jets be able to land simultaneously during snowstorms on a consistent basis, as advertised?
A blow landed simultaneously on his chin and his neck.
Nonetheless, it become the fourth of John's records to simultaneously land in the Top 100, making him the first act to do so since The Beatles.
Is it the fault of air traffic control if they refuse to allow all these flights to land simultaneously in Paris?