These include uncertainty about effective demand, so-called land shortages, high interest rates, obsolete building methods, public expenditure cuts and a shifting of effort to overseas.
As 95% of all suitable, and some marginal, land was already cultivated, land shortages could only intensify.
Second, there is as yet no land shortage, and new land can still be taken into cultivation without much problem.
But even before that, the news of its creation had spread panic among land speculators, and eased the land shortage.
But land shortages and soaring property values changed all that.
Their dilemma is a reminder that land shortages are one of the biggest problems facing Rwanda's leaders.
Growing land shortages have also been cited as a contributing factor.
The inherent land shortage in Kyrgyzstan is exacerbated by the flooding of agricultural areas for hydroelectric projects.
Because of the land shortage in the territory, the temple had to be 'built up' instead of 'spreading out' to build.
Settlement density and a land shortage may have contributed to rising tensions during the period.