The first land purchaser in the Arana Hills District was Henry St John Bridgeman in November 1863.
"The Montauks were denied their rightful inheritance by the Benson family [land purchasers]," Mr. Stone wrote.
In 1923 the Santa Fe Land Company started residential development and constructed a guest house called "La Morada" to house potential land purchasers.
John Travolta and his wife Kelly Preston were some of the first land purchasers.
In Bureau of Land Management records for the area that would become Blackford County, "John Blunt" is listed as a land purchaser in 1835.
(Benjamin Reasoner is listed as the first land purchaser.)
At that time the airline company's name was changed to McCulloch International Airlines, and its main function was to fly potential land purchasers to the McCulloch properties at Lake Havasu.
To combat this, the Association required land purchasers or their representatives to be present in the colony before they could buy land.
In 1849 Michael Dawson, one of the original land purchasers, completed work on an ivy-covered mansion on his property called Phoenix Park.
The environmentalists called for the state to find the money and the will to buy more land to protect it, and warned that at least one big land purchaser was known for sub-dividing and building on wilderness parcels.