As well, the lands held by the Counts of Leyen were mentioned once again.
Q. What about Federal statutes in which Indian land is not specifically mentioned?
Later in the novel, a "holy land" is mentioned as being cordoned off by killer satellites called "Avenging Angels".
But the Macdonald's lands were mentioned, and Maclean's, as the reward.
The lands of the parish were mentioned in rent returns for 1303.
The land has been a point of contention since then, and is often mentioned by Hezbollah as a continued Israeli occupation of Lebanese territory.
In the 1st century AD, the land was mentioned as Pundravardhana for the first time in Asokadana.
This very land was mentioned in 1009 as Litua (see Name of Lithuania).
It is interesting to note that the land surrounding this inlet, at present a popular bathing beach, was mentioned in an early Wells history as a prosperous farm.
For example in the Merneptah Stele, foreign lands are mentioned, including the name of Hatti.