In the city's Bolívar Park, land iguanas roam free and are fed daily.
Santa Fe species of land iguanas are often seen, as well as lava lizards.
We see love everywhere: two leathery land iguanas stretch out on black rocks with their arms around each other.
The pink land iguana had been found by park rangers in 1986 and has been studied by scientists since 2000.
The most likely unions tend to be between male marine iguanas and female land iguanas.
It is estimated that between 5,000 and 10,000 land iguanas are found in the Galapagos.
Today, scientists are working to save both the giant tortoises and the land iguanas, which have already disappeared off a number of the islands.
They also mated with the land iguanas, which produced an unusual number of hybrid iguanas.
There were roasted land iguanas stuffed with crabmeat and minced finches.
They caught land iguanas by their tails, and beat them to death on black boulders.