Thus this type of land appropriation did not violate the Lockean proviso - there was "still enough, and as good left."
The record of broken treaties, land appropriations, genocide and forced migration is an indelible black mark on the United States.
The Navy's land appropriation put an end to sugar refining, and the bombing tests disrupted fishing.
Therefore, the Europeans' interests in the area extended beyond land appropriations.
Forced land appropriations either with or without legal orders in favour of Japanese citizens or private and government companies.
That a vexed history of colonial land appropriation lies behind the demagogic land-grab by Zimbabwe's president, Robert Mugabe, doesn't interest Theroux.
Tributes, demand for labor, and extravagant conquests made this a system which thoroughly simplified Inca history to a barrage of conquests and land appropriation.
The cost has been calculated to 2.7 billion SEK including land appropriation and a new parking garage under the arena.
He added that he felt "passionately" about white land appropriation.
While I welcome the Valencian authorities reviewing the policy of land appropriation, there is still a need for justice for citizens who have already lost land and property.