Out of 8732 plots of land allotted to demobilised soldiers only 5557 have actually been settled by January 1, 1923.
This community began as an all-Black town on land allotted to freedmen of the Creek Nation.
Only 4.5 percent of all land allotted by January 1937 was received by ethnic Germans, whose protests were expressed in countless petitions.
The parcels of land allotted under the homestead acts were too small to run a ranch.
In addition there was much internal movement of settlers who did not like the original land allotted to them.
A further Act was passed in 1798 to amend the previous Act as regards the lands allotted in lieu of tithes.
Land patents to the individual land allotted were to be held in a tax-free trust for the benefit of the allottees, for a period of twenty-five years.
The freed peasants had to buy land, allotted to them, from the landowners with the state assistance.
The church was built on land allotted to St. Xavier by the Venad king.