Hardinge tried to rise, but the lance tip was deep in his guts.
Lance life is typically two weeks, with lance changes taking 30 to 40 minutes, and repairs usually being limited to replacement of the lance tips.
The lance tips were tickling Lawford's neck, and as a recruiting device they worked wonders.
Behind the sinister horn is a lance tip with a banner, displaying a white cross on red.
Around him, levelled rows of lance tips shuddered, and raised, and a cheer burst forth from the men.
The lance tip drove into her horse's chest.
The species are called lancepods due to their fruit resembling an ornate lance tip or a few beads on a string.
The boy had slashed the lance tip from right to left and caught the stouter of the two brigands across the face.
As he descended another flight of steps, he could hear four sharp lance tips tapping behind him.
The light flared in his eyes, and his lance tip lowered.