The lamp housing does not help this, acting as a resonating chamber that amplifies the noise and presents a problem for sync-sound recording for film and video.
The 2,000 nozzles included umbrellas, ball sprays, wheat sheaves, rings, fans, funnels and whirligigs; with many of the nozzles around the lamp housings.
Flashes of orange streaked their faces as the mirror in the lamp housing revolved.
However, practically all lamp housings contain heat-resistant barriers (in addition to those on the lamp unit itself) to prevent the red-hot quartz fragments from leaving the area.
The power ballast and lamp housing is mounted on a pole in a dry location.
It reproduced the soundtrack from a disc record underneath the lamp housing.
The lamp housing is a metal or plastic container that serves as a body for the entire instrument and prevents light from spilling in unwanted directions.
Normally, the shield is removed once the lamp is installed in the lamp housing.
This circumvents this melocha, as the light is never turned on & off, only obscured and revealed via the design of the lamp housing.
The drawings, framed in black, have solid, bilaterally symmetrical shapes that resemble a cross between toy tops, ornamental lamp housings and Rorschach blots.