The lake is popular for fishing, camping and boating, and often clearly reflects Mount Adams.
Massively reflected by them back across the lake-into the lake to the depth of a mile.
"Even if I built you a green garden and a blue lake to reflect the stark mountain peaks?"
Once a lake reflected the clouds.
The placid lake with its tinted water acts as a giant mirror and reflects the entire scene.
The old masters merely dammed streams and created lakes to break up the landscape or else reflect its beauty.
Before him, the calm lake reflected the tranquil scene.
The lake reflected the stars, sluggish and mirrorlike-still, because, men said, parts of it were very deep.
In the midst of this jungle, a great lake or inland sea reflected the azure of the clear, bright sky.
The still lake reflected the starlight, and it looked to Fireball as though she were standing on the edge of the universe.