There was but a broken and rent mass of the radiant cliffs against whose base the lake lapped.
The lake lapped close to the great rock and stretched across the valley to the horizon, a larger lake than the lake of Harcels's time.
So, when Monroe residents look out across the water, they imagine a gaping marsh where the lakes now lap gently against the shore.
The black lake lapped and rolled away into the dark.
Felipe was out of the water and waiting for them as they arrived at the place where the lake quietly lapped the path.
Between the late 1980s and mid-1990s, the lake lapped the Federal Highway on its western edge.
He swore as the lake lapped over his shoe.
Tonight there was no such drop, for a great lake of rain-water lapped at the dusty boards of the Hall.
The wind was calm; there was no rustling of leaves in the nearby woods; the lake lapped the shore without even a whisper.