He had been so intent on making his effect, he failed to notice the laid-back ears of the cat on his niece's shoulders, and the lashing tail.
And all the more frightening - if there had been anyone around to be frightened - for sitting astride a wild animal, whose frantic eyes and laid-back ears betokened a frenzy of a somewhat different nature.
Narrowed eyes and laid-back ears gave the lie to the hilarity within.
Bob stared, thrilled and terrified, as the thing broke the surface way out there across the reservoir, a huge saurian head with long laid-back ears, its reptile eye reflecting white from the moon.
She was grunting and pulling at her lead-rope, ears laid-back.
The maintaining of eye contact is usually the first sign of aggression, while laid-back ears or a lowered head is a definite sign of agitation.
They had branched horns, long laid-back ears, and puffy tails.
With a silent snarl and laid-back ears, she Jumped on him and seized his ear.
The mangers were filled with fresh hay, the buckets with clean water, and the only beasts tied were those few whose wild or crafty eyes and laid-back ears told Tarma were that they were safer tied than loose.