GCA's problems at the time were laid to its management, since changed.
Some half dozen new submarine cables have been laid annually since 1945, the longest of which runs for 15,032km.
Before the installation work was stopped, about 100 miles of cable had been laid since summer.
Someone has been laid here since the last rain, which means a body no more than three days old.
To my knowledge no male other than Darius had so much as laid eyes on it since its completion, though not for lack of trying.
I hadn't laid eyes on him since the day of our encounter.
We actually haven't laid eyes on her since the very first scene.
Walker has not laid one down since 1991.
I've been doing work that gives me opportunities to ask and nobody has laid eyes on her since the attack.
He hadn't so much as laid eyes on Petiron since the night before, but that didn't surprise him.