Then the lady wept a little, and said that the tailor had now twice saved her, and was in every way worthy of her hand.
The unfortunate lady wept now as she vainly sought some mercy for her husband.
The young lady wept, screamed and pleaded.
The peasant girls kissed him, the men shook hands with him, one old lady of benevolent appearance wept upon his breast.
The lady openly wept, perhaps not from love itself but from the idea of separation.
And that fair lady that lies now in the Houses below, Eowyn, wept at his going.
The two ladies also wept, understanding as they did that some great happiness had come to pass.
In another second that pretty young lady who had been addressed was weeping with her head upon my shoulder.
The lady herself, whom he had found in one of her lucid moments, wept quietly.
The ladies who had not been selected to attend "wept bitterly".