There was a little bit of a lackadaisical approach to my free agency.
"It's dangerous," he said as if sensing a lackadaisical approach.
The result of New York's lackadaisical approach was a 2-1 loss to the Blues.
Tarijeños enjoy a relaxed lifestyle and are sometimes particularly proud of a lackadaisical approach to punctuality.
This problem was compounded by the lackadaisical approach to command staffing.
"He has had a lackadaisical approach to the office since the beginning," Mr. Rosero said.
The early lackadaisical approach of the team against the best defense in the division is a shocking dereliction of duty.
Gone, too, will be some students' lackadaisical approach to testing.
Most companies have a lackadaisical approach to recruitment - as if they're doing us a great favour.
Davis had a hard time concentrating in class and took a lackadaisical approach to homework.