Both systems lacked enough specificity and sensitivity to be of any practical use.
In a statement, Jackson criticized the plan for lacking specificity and left open the possibility of protest actions.
They said that the latest alert, though frightening, lacked specificity, leaving state officials with little direction as to how to respond.
But they also lack context and specificity - the kind that exist within the art itself.
I have no doubt that is always good advice, but it lacks specificity.
The laboratory tests lack specificity and can be normal in the presence of clinically active disease.
Critics assert that it is unvalidated and lacks specificity.
A mood of mournful ambivalence is expressed; but lacking more narrative specificity, it's hard to say why (Johnson).
However, the identification of a response that evidences marked distress or significant impairment also lacks specificity and is thus very subjective.
Although these individual approaches are usually combined in cancer treatment they still lack specificity of targeting all and only cancerous cells in the body.