Gooden, admittedly lacking consistency and rhythm, allowed the Pittsburgh Pirates five runs and seven hits in just four and two-thirds innings.
In the first two movies, Chris Columbus, of the "Home Alone" films, was faithful but plodding; his work lacked rhythm and formal beauty.
Songs often lack beat or rhythm in the traditional sense and are typically very long.
Pauline Kael claimed it "lacked rhythm and development."
It seems to lack freedom and rhythm.
In fact, modern poetry is generally forgettable because it lacks rhythm and rhyme.
Rolling Stone magazine gave it two and a half out of five stars and described as lacking replay value, ingenuity, and rhythm.
At one point, he said the Jets might lack confidence in certain areas and that the team lacked rhythm on offense today.
It lacked rhythm but he didn't like this country anyhow and he wanted to get out.
They danced but lacked rhythm, which, when you think about it, would make it hard to categorize them as either Lennon or McCartney.