In theory they should be available to all suitable patients, but the current lack of facilities precludes this.
The lack of sidewalks in many suburbs precludes safe walking even to a friend's house nearby.
But lack of familiarity with the planet Zartok precludes a more accurate guess.
The lack of marquee stars also precluded any easy marketing tactic.
The switch was first discussed in 1945, but the lack of a rule book precluded any action.
But he always assumed that his lack of a high school education precluded college.
"Especially after his predecessor showed that lack of obvious Talent did not necessarily preclude initiative and effectiveness."
Additionally, since the school does not pay staff, "the lack of salaries for staff could preclude accreditation."
It was an area of some research in the 1970s and early 1980s, but lack of funding precluded further development.
In some places, lack of space precludes these "interim solutions" entirely.