All of these circumstances resulted in many well educated, bright women, like those in the CCC, who were relegated to the home feeling generally dissatisfied and lacking intellectual stimulation and adult companionship.
Blanche's most frequent (but only seen once in Season 6) date was Mel Bushman (Alan King), who was always available whenever she lacked male companionship.
With him beside me, I always felt confident and never lacked companionship; without him, I do not believe I would have dared cut myself off from civilization and penetrate alone into a country where I would not be likely to encounter another human being.
When he shows up on her doorstep, Fiametta does not want to invite him to stay, but her friends, bored and lacking male companionship, override her objections.
And I lacked companionship.
But then I have not lacked for ... gentle companionship.
When you play, heels will fly and you will never lack jolly companionship.
Besides this, Mother was lonely and lacked companionship.
As it was, he lacked mental companionship and had whiled away three generations reading and rereading books stolen for him by his stooges.