The Tuareg claimed they lacked attention and resources from the central government.
It summed that the movie lacks attention to detail which is a necessary feature of historical movies.
Eri's somewhat loyal boyfriend, Ezawa never lacks attention from girls.
Lacks ongoing political attention and direction, along with financial commitment.
Chan was appalled at the way Glickenhaus directed the fight scenes, feeling that his methods were sloppy and lacked attention to detail.
Since the late 1990s, the Tuareg have claimed they lacked attention and resources from the central government.
Unfortunately, the municipality of Sogod lacks attention to the sites found in the town.
Nevertheless, physical pain itself still lacks adequate attention from the medical community, according to numerous reports.
Most of them lack proper medical attention, and many lie alone in rooms, tended by elderly parents.
Another ecotype identified as lacking proper attention was the country's deep water ecosystems, which had received neither formal protection nor any research into whether they should be.