This family-run place is charming, decorated with antique china, fishing gear and lace doilies.
He had expected the house to be littered with Grandma stuff-porcelain poodles and old china and fussy furniture with flowered fabric and lace doilies.
Mr. Jackson, however, was too taken with the sweep and power of the books to treat them gingerly and set them down on the big screen atop lace doilies.
Inside, the cathedral is enormous, with stone columns as wide as centuries-old redwood trees and ivory walls carved as ornately as lace doilies.
Jana Emerick, an art historian, will demonstrate how to create tree and tabletop ornaments out of paper, tinsel, cotton batting and lace doilies.
I know this because they arrange the loaves and muffins at their Greenmarket stand on lace doilies.
By the time I was born, my grandmother was setting her table with Irish linen and Spode china and pewter salt cellars and crystal fingerbowls presented on lace doilies.
He was the only person sitting in the spotless lounge, with its dark wood smelling of polish, its lace doilies, ticking clock and knickknacks stuffed in alcoves.
We'd been enchanted by the view of the bay, the whimsical medieval-ecclesiastical decor (the name means sacristy) and lace doilies, and the food.
In the more formal front parlor, Mr. Cummings paired modern artworks with traditional chairs decorated with shocking pink lace doilies.