The beetles live deep in tunnels inside eucalyptus trees, their sole purpose being to build and maintain their queen's labyrinthine world, never reproducing themselves.
Interviews with students, teachers and school administrators inspire journeys through the labyrinthine world of public school bureaucracy.
There had been nine known labyrinthine worlds in the old Hegemony.
His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink.
Bazaaris had created a political and economic system that was a larger version of the labyrinthine world of the south Teheran market.
The $8,850 price tag (not including airfare) ensures participants access to wonders like the labyrinthine ancient world of the Forbidden City.
That was close to the surface; most of the labyrinths on most of the labyrinthine worlds are at least ten klicks beneath the crust.
Now that you have joined Hyperion to the Protectorate, each of the labyrinthine worlds has farcaster capability.
Armaghast was a labyrinthine world.
Each of the labyrinthine worlds- including Hyperion- has been probed and researched.