With an increasing number of death sentences and affirmations and a labyrinthine appellate process, deaths rows across the country are jammed.
The labyrinthine disciplinary processes supporting tenure have become the focus of a debate about balancing the rights of academics against the need to discipline unethical or incompetent teachers or principals.
By the man's pride in the explanation, and the way his big eyes blinked faster as he laid it all out, Richard expected that the man was somehow involved in the labyrinthine process.
Second, the labyrinthine process of getting information from the bottom of the pyramid to the top will be dramatically shortened, Secretary Aldridge explained.
What the company did not count on was the labyrinthine process, the misunderstandings, "back and forth through so many channels," Ms. Hersey said.
This fascinating collection of essays from 1933 through 1970 chronicles the sometimes labyrinthine process by which the heresy of one century can become the common sense of the next.
Today, advocates of simplifying the labyrinthine process of approving new drugs might be impressed by the speed with which the Salk polio vaccine went from laboratory to field trials and finally into production.
The labyrinthine processes of the white mind.
She took another pull at her drink, with that look she gets when she is trying to work out the wiring architecture of the labyrinthine processes of my mind.
Like many arms deals it went through a labyrinthine process to conceal the products and parties.