He sat at the table by the window and wrote slowly and laboriously.
His hand, freckly with light ginger hairs on it, wrote laboriously.
A constable sat opposite him, separated by a card table on which he was laboriously writing a statement.
The administrative people didn't wet fingers and thumb through worn cards, or write laboriously with either end of the pencil.
When asked to sign a visitor's book, Yeltsin "spent a few long minutes writing laboriously in the volume," the Post said.
So ran the first, which seemed to be laboriously writ with the left hand.
He laboriously wrote a note telling her he'd gone away on business for a few days and would see her when he got back.
The hiss of the respirator was loud in the room as the man laboriously wrote, if you could find that woman.
The cop laboriously wrote it all up, which law, which infraction each time, the same one.
She imagined some unknown person laboriously writing it all down, catching his tongue between his teeth.