The average lifespan for laboratory monkeys is 27.
The technicians were unaware that the computer was connected to five laboratory monkeys, and the routine maintenance procedures caused the death of three of the monkeys.
But despite all this wonderful progress, I'm still treated like a wired-up laboratory monkey.
Many of the employees - whether anthropologists studying the homeless mentally ill or supervisors caring for 40 laboratory monkeys and 6,100 rodents - said they have diligently continued their work.
The merA gene, derived from the gut of a laboratory monkey, helps the cottonwoods absorb mercury and convert it to a less dangerous form.
The disease was first identified in laboratory monkeys, hence its name, but in its natural state it seems to infect rodents more often than primates.
The decision came amid concerns over an Ebola virus strain detected in shipments of laboratory monkeys from three Philippines importers.
Four animal handlers have become infected with a virus carried by laboratory monkeys but none have become sick, Federal health officials said today.
It has killed numbers of laboratory monkeys since last fall.
But she loved to look at his face, even as he looked on her with pity, as if she was some trapped laboratory monkey, or a freak from the vids.