Whether the organism was a laboratory curiosity or a battlefield weapon was unclear.
This was no laboratory curiosity; it was a ravening force.
Before Kroll, titanium as a metal was a laboratory curiosity.
It's been a long time since I did any engineering work, but I have a little laboratory curiosity that will just fill the bill.
Experts say it could take $20 billion or more to turn fusion from a laboratory curiosity into a practical source of electrical power.
This odd behavior is more than a laboratory curiosity.
Until that time, liquid hydrogen had been just a laboratory curiosity.
My grandfather, born before radio waves were even a laboratory curiosity, almost lived to see the first artificial satellite beeping down at us from space.
The company's executives had made it clear that they considered nanotech a laboratory curiosity, too fragile and unpredictable for commercial use.
For the next few decades, piezoelectricity remained something of a laboratory curiosity.