It is a labor-intensive task that has to be done with care to ensure only the ripe piñas are collected.
The vanilla flower lasts about one day, sometimes less, so growers have to inspect their plantations every day for open flowers, a labor-intensive task.
The good news is that most of the labor-intensive tasks could probably be completed within one to two years.
First, it provides more bodies to handle routine, labor-intensive tasks such as the huge review of documents required for complicated commercial litigation.
The invention of a machine to replace the labor-intensive task of setting type by hand was one that many inventors had tackled during the 19th Century.
Sanding - a formidably labor-intensive task - might help because it would remove the odorant-exposed wood surface.
Moving it back belowdecks and resecuring it was just one of many labor-intensive tasks the engineers had to look forward to this evening.
The remaining 80 percent lies in labor-intensive tasks like training, help-desk support, systems management and upgrading software.
Sculptors who use this form spend most of their time on such labor-intensive tasks as chasing (filing and grinding) the metal.
"Writing a Federal grant is a very labor-intensive task," Mrs. Cooney said.