As Brody explains, he did not intend to become a labor historian:
As two contemporary labor historians have noted, early work in the field was "designed to service and celebrate the Labour movement."
Taft was and remains a well-known and highly respected labor historian.
Nearly 50 years later, it is still routinely cited by labor historians.
However, Galenson's work as a labor historian was significant.
He is labor historian who has written also about 20th-century American political economy, including the automotive industry and Wal-Mart.
In 2006, labor historian, James Green, wrote a popular history.
Before the 1960s, most labor historians around the world focused on the history of labor unions.
The strike is regarded by many labor historians as one of the three most important strikes in U.S. history.
Getman is also a well-known labor historian and activist.