The label proclaims this a "Melville underwater camera."
The new label proclaims, "Now With Wormwood!"
The labels proclaim Hollister Co. as "pacific merchants" established in 1922.
The labels proclaimed Spoetzl's 100th anniversary and include the tag line "Here's to a century of independent brewing.
Each bin contained only what its label proclaimed, no more, no less.
The label on the bag proclaims the contents to be "The Original Maui Kitch'n Cook'd Potato Chips."
The chicken, which she next drew from the fridge, had, so the label proclaimed, ranged freely over a district of France before being hygienically and humanely slaughtered and packed.
The label proclaims: "The juice was fermented for 20 days at temperatures between 50 degrees and 58 degrees F. . . . Following fermentation the wine was clarified."
The labels proclaim Nordskog records to be "The Golden-Voiced Records", but audio fidelity of Nordskog Records is below average for the time.
She stopped buying Coke only when it was recalled, she said at the Colruyt store today after buying a bottle of Eldorado cola whose label proclaims "The Original Taste."