Standard Apple album and single labels displayed a bright green Granny Smith apple on the A-side, while the flipside displayed the apple cut in half.
A label on the outside of the envelope containing the vial displayed the typed message: "Caution ricin poison enclosed in sealed container.
A descriptive label for the symbol will display.
The Black Keys' label, Nonesuch, displayed some initial confusion, but eventually they gave the band, and Michael, their full support of the simplistic marketing.
The labels on sake bottles display these terms, usually in English as well as in Japanese, and restaurant sake lists often include them.
The label for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles displays fuel economy for both modes of operation.
All his labels say Paris, and display his father's name.
The trademark name "Scotch" does not appear on the bottle anywhere, and the label states it is a product of Canada and clearly displays a red maple leaf.
Back labels typically display a California-style information overload.
The label must show the model number, the size, key features, and display largely a graph showing the annual operating cost in range with similar models, and the estimated yearly energy cost.