Some labels boast that their dinners are "preservative free," yet most frozen meals don't include preservatives because freezing prevents spoilage.
Both labels boast more extensive promotional and creative staff than either Maverick or Nation can afford, without a substantial investment by the superstars themselves.
One of them had already picked up a small, lacquered box, whose label boasted it could contain an infinity of things.
The label boasts 17 platinum albums celebrating a million sales each.
"A label of stick margarine boasts that it contains 70 percent less saturated fat than butter," said Dr. Wootan.
Its label boasted that it contained no nourishment whatsoever.
Quicksilver's labels boast that its products are used by "real surfers."
Lacks intensity, but clean-tasting and clearly made with chicken (the label boasts free range).
"Ciara has sold over 5 million albums worldwide in her career thus far," boasts the label!
The label boasts an eclectic mixture of artists across various genres.