But in therapeutic cloning, the embryos, instead of being inserted into a womb to develop into a fetus, would be kept in lab dishes and used to generate embryonic stem cells.
"Like embryonic stem cells, they appear to thrive in lab dishes for years, while normal cells, called somatic cells, die after a time ;"
They had regenerated with incredible speed, comparable with that of a bacteria colony increasing in a lab dish - doubling itself within hours.
A study conducted by Israeli scientists showed that a commercially available elderberry extract, called Sambucol, can suppress the growth of influenza viruses in lab dishes.
Researchers found that the most diverse group of XMRV sequences come from a single prostate cancer cell line called 22Rv1 that was grown in lab dishes.
Some early experiments have also found that the vitamin D compounds convert tumor cells into normal cells, keep them from spreading, and even kill them in lab dishes.
They claimed that they successfully isolated stem cells and got them to divide and multiply in a lab dish.
The eggs drift down between them, beyond the reach of a fish's lips, and they are fetched later for fertilization in a lab dish.
The same growth-promoting effect could be seen when normal human blood cells were isolated in lab dishes and exposed to microwave radiation.
Fertilization occurs in lab dishes.