Chapter 9 looks at the familiar problem of personality clashes.
"It was a personality clash or different philosophies," Brown said.
The child will often blame poor academic performance on a personality clash with a teacher or an unfair test.
There was a personality clash between myself and the director.
But to hear the other three tell it, the breakup was over personality clashes.
You're not the same sort of person as your brother, and I think the personality clash made all the difference.
There were also growing personality clashes between the band members.
She said it was a personality clash, not an issue of who called the shots.
The personality clash increased after his mother's death, and young Will went from one venture to another with little success.
Despite occasional personality clashes, the two men had deep respect for each other.
Looked as if the suitcase was going to win the battle of wills at any second.
In that moment I had the strength for our last battle of wills.
And he had used them to great advantage in their battle of wills.
Yet it was a battle of wills which she lost.
He was convinced that he'd won the battle of wills.
All I needed that moment was a battle of wills.
Now comes Game 3, which should be another battle of wills.
I held her in place, but it was a near constant battle of wills.
And the nation States have to win this battle of wills.
In Game 5, the series turned into a battle of wills.