Only 37 of them were previously known while 276 involved offences against children.
The leopards and lions are both known to lounge in the trees while not hunting for prey.
Nothing is known of his actions while quaestor.
Still, that couldn't last-the Hunter-born were known for their speed and endurance while hunting.
Studebaker was best known, while Commissioner of Education, for his work on public forums.
She is known for her constant use of swearing while playing games.
One evening in January 1842, Virginia showed the first signs of consumption, now known as tuberculosis, while singing and playing the piano.
He was also known for his occasional vocalizations while playing, which can be heard on many of his recordings.
Did he know-or had he known for a long while- the outcome of what he was about to attempt?
The arms is known from 14th century and the oldest seal dates from 1353, while the coloured one since 1390.