To be sure, some gaps do appear in the record of Atta's known whereabouts during the preceding years.
He lists the names of each of the expedition members and their last known whereabouts.
You'll be investigating his last known whereabouts, I trust?
Cornelius arrives in Broceliande, the last known whereabouts of Merlin, to find his tower empty.
As precisely as may have pinpointed God's last known whereabouts, though, finding the company is a bigger challenge.
Phone us with their last known whereabouts.
The yellow circle, where Reeky marked Stafford's last known whereabouts, looked lonely and morbid.
And that is "the last known whereabouts" of Ray Raintree.
Harris' last known whereabouts were in Texas.
Punch in any name, and whatever is known is flashed: dead, alive, being treated, or no known whereabouts.