Other known pedophiles in the area were also questioned, but the case went cold due to a scarcity of evidence.
He apologized for having allowed a known pedophile, the Rev. John J. Geoghan, to continue in the priesthood but said he had been relying on expert medical opinions.
The Spider said, "No known pedophiles in Pine Cove.
Saying that Joe was a known pedophile and that any children that had been left alone with him should be counselled.
Besides ten pages of known pedophiles?
"Is it true you're looking for a known pedophile?"
Later, a known pedophile (played by Alan Tudyk) who lives in the neighborhood is found to be an arson victim.
We didn't think it was relevant-" "Your daughter had a relationship with a known pedophile, and you didn't think it was relevant?
It wasn't like he was a known pedophile, or anything.
In a child pornography case, he said, investigators would also try to discover other corroborating evidence, like Internet communications with known pedophiles, or a stack of child pornography in the suspect's home.