There are more than 30 known occurrences of oil shale.
There are 19 known occurrences of this plant, all within one Florida county.
There are ten known total occurrences of the plant and probably fewer than 1000 individuals remaining.
The first known occurrence of the word cacodemon dates to 1398.
This is the only known occurrence of a man named Attarissiya.
It is endemic to Florida, where there are 46 known occurrences as of 2010.
There are three known occurrences remaining, for a total of fewer than 1000 individuals.
Many of the known occurrences may no longer exist, because they are in areas that have experienced urban development.
There are about 50 known occurrences of this plant in seven or eight states.
There are 49 known occurrences, the largest containing hundreds of individuals.