No one had bet on Smoke, who, despite his several known exploits, was still accounted a chechaquo with much to learn.
An intruder however can use banner grabbing in order to find network hosts that are running versions of applications and operating systems with known exploits.
There are many known exploits, and viruses that take advantage of a Buffer Overflow vulnerability.
The malware then went through a series of known exploits for unpatched and past-end-of-life operating systems.
The vulnerability has not been publicly disclosed and there are no known exploits in the wild at this time.
Although there are no known exploits, it was disabled in Firefox 4 and 5, and Opera 11.
Metasploit provides a ruby library for common tasks and maintains a database of known exploits.
Some companies maintain large databases of known exploits and provide products to automatically test target systems if they are vulnerable.
PunkBuster Servers can optionally be configured to randomly check player settings looking for known exploits of the game engine.
One of his early and least known exploits was playing Hawaiian steel guitar on the long-running C&H sugar commercial.