No known crooks carried admittance cards to the commodore's preserves.
Baseball punished him for hiring a known crook to help him smear one of his own ballplayers.
For there was no link between Parron and any known crooks.
He pointed out that merchants often preferred a dependable man to a known crook.
The Shadow was sure that among his selected list of known crooks, he would find the one who was serving as the Wasp's chief lieutenant.
Cardona himself had often tabbed on known crooks by posing as a waiter and serving them while they ate.
The police make it their business to keep check on known crooks of Gorlon's type.
A known crook still has his picture in the frame outside the Chamber!
Once in office, the Ames brothers flushed out the police force, replacing experienced officers with known crooks.
Why would a college professor associate with a known crook like Strang?