Many women have been reluctant to continue taking the replacement hormones for seven or more years to achieve the known benefits to the heart and bones.
A less known but equally sought-after benefit is a mix of programs that provide low-cost electricity.
Unlike other dietary fats, trans fatty acids are not essential and provide no known benefit to human health.
In fact, it may be no coincidence that the known benefits of physical exercise mimic those now observed for growth hormone.
It is crucial that we emphasize the known benefits of proper child restraint use in decreasing the risk of death by 70 percent.
Then, we'll return to discuss the modern art and science of embalming, a complicated process with known benefits, but not without controversy.
Could this be the only known benefit of homophobia?
First, "trans fatty acids are not essential and provide no known benefit to human health", whether of animal or plant origin.
However, to be classified under a schedule 1 drug, there is to be no known medical benefits.
Logging produces no known benefits to the streams, and entails very serious risks.