Threat From the North According to a knowledgeable diplomat, many military men feel that Kwangju "tarnished their prestige," and they do not want that to happen again.
"People disappear here," said a knowledgeable Western diplomat.
The attainment of strategic objectives was supported by a well-developed service of knowledgeable diplomats and emissaries.
Gone also, according to high officials and knowledgeable diplomats, is heavy domination by Vietnam, which created the Hun Sen regime.
About 1,500 are still there, a knowledgeable diplomat said, and arranging their their departure is the most difficult aspect of the commercial dispute between Moscow and Baghdad.
Mr. Rumsfeld is described by knowledgeable diplomats as still favoring a major role for Mr. Chalabi in Iraq.
"They don't have enough to get through the end of the month," a knowledgeable Western diplomat said.
"The view is that if you sit down at the table with your chips, you are committed to playing the game," a knowledgeable diplomat said, referring to Egyptian military intentions.
There were indications from knowledgeable diplomats that the United States, too, was unhappy with the development and hoped it would be modified.
"But if it was meant as some kind of signal of good will, it backfired," a knowledgeable diplomat said.