Together, the group confront Pecksniff with their knowledge of his true character.
Most New Yorkers, however, have little knowledge of his complex character as a priest and a religious leader.
What did your knowledge of his character lead you to expect?
Julian's knowledge of Lady Janet's character told him what had happened.
Everyone, whether they go to church or not, seems to have some knowledge of Reverend Gray's character and circumstances.
Yes, and this is what I cannot explain; but that arises, perhaps, from my want of knowledge of his character.
It was all I had to go on: my intimate knowledge of the man and his character.
Clark concentrated on developing a good knowledge of the local language, their character and medicine.
The fact that it was unchanged, while her feelings were different, increased her knowledge of its character.
Della, knowing that the lawyer was simply thinking out loud, used her knowledge of his character to facilitate the thought processes.