Researchers giving placebos, they said, were knowingly killing children.
Tobacco provides no benefit to anyone, and the industry has been knowingly killing people for years for the sake of nothing more than money.
She believes that the Parkers knowingly killed Goodensnake, but neither agent believe the pair would have skinned him-and the body was not reported to have been skinned.
The prosecution, which rested its case yesterday, has brought in a string of witnesses, from doctors to relatives, to convince a jury that the Swintons knowingly nearly killed the baby.
He also wrote that "Planned Parenthood knowingly kills unborn babies, not fetuses, as a method of post conception contraception."
The key to this technique is that a robot cannot knowingly kill a human or knowingly allow a human to come to harm.
Vlada insists that he did not knowingly kill anyone in Kosovo, though he saw terrible and disturbing events, with "ethnic cleansing," killings and mental and moral breakdowns.
The Prom Mom, who confessed to knowingly killing her child, pleaded guilty to aggravated manslaughter and as a result, could be out partying again in three years.
The Doctor's comparison to knowingly killing a child who would grow up to be a dictator shows how the Doctor's ethics are influenced by his non-linear experience of time.
I will not knowingly kill any human being." "