The state sued manufacturers in 1999, claiming they knowingly created a harmful product.
The law would also include defendants "who knowingly or recklessly created a substantial risk of death to many persons," presumably a reference to situations like the World Trade Center bombing.
They have been grilled by a Congressional subcommittee, threatened with a whopping tobacco tax increase and accused of knowingly creating and manipulating an addiction.
It challenged the maritime supremacy upon which Britain depended and knowingly created the likelihood of British enmity in war and consequently the use against Germany of Britain's chief weapon, blockade.
The defendant knowingly created a great risk of death to more than one person.
The approach holds that gun makers knowingly create a public nuisance by the way they distribute their products.
He could not knowingly create any changes in the course of history.
We would not knowingly create delays for ourselves.
Criminal violations, if any, would involve actions like intentionally violating the law and knowingly creating dangerous situations.
The defendant knowingly created a grave risk of death for one or more persons in addition to the victim of the offense.