Assistance providers did not knowingly assist any trafficking victims during the reporting period.
The defendants and Dan Bayly knowingly assisted Enron in deceiving the investing public.
Asked whether he would support sanctions against countries that use poison gas or companies who knowingly assist such activity, Mr. Webster expressed what he called a personal opinion.
But at least two American banks are being investigated to determine if they knowingly assisted drug operations.
Black is the author previously of "IBM and the Holocaust," a work strongly suggesting that the company, with its punch-card machines, knowingly assisted Hitler's brutalities.
"People who knowingly assist narco trafficking are no longer welcome in this country," said the State Department spokesman, Nicholas Burns, who announced the decision at a press conference in Washington.
(The concept means to knowingly assist in a crime with the intent of having it succeed.)
The U.S. federal government charged the crew with knowingly assisting an illegal arms purchase.
The suits accused the lawyers of knowingly assisting Lincoln in filing false information with bank regulators.
"At no time did Merrill Lynch knowingly assist Enron in misstating revenues."