Virtually all ligands are known to bridge, with the exception of amines and ammonia.
He's the best officer, and the best man I've ever known with the possible exception of my third husband, and even that's iffy.
No yuan-ti are known to live in Khorvaire, with the exception of the shulassakar (see below).
Lioren was sure that he knew everything about the Cromsag-gar, with the exception of how their minds worked.
Much is known about the game, with the important exception of exactly how it was played.
Most of his activities over the centuries aren't known, with the exception that he continuously fights in any war he can.
Everyone knows that, with the single exception of the barbarians of this miserable world!
I sent messengers to invite them at once, since they knew more about my people than anyone, with the exception of Bokonon.
As you know, with the exception of four or five Member States, they are not ready to give their declaration of assurance.
Kylar could walk right past almost anyone he knew with the exception of Count Drake.