And if they can get in, Kirk thought, they'll know the way out.
Oh, my Lady, this is a dangerous place to come into, if you don't know the way out.
Since our little friends here don't know the way out," he went on, "and we've no other business with them, we'll take our leave.
Now I know the way in and the way out.
I believe you know the way out, since you've already searched my house.
Even if he knew the way out, he might have turned her over to Julius at the end of the tunnel.
If he did know the way out, then she would be stupid to be stubborn and continue on this course.
Only those who know the way in know the way out.
He thought I really knew the way out, and so he was making for it.
Yama whispered back, "Unless you know the way out, we have no choice but to follow him."