Craig Holman, the campaign-finance lobbyist for Public Citizen, the government watchdog group, said he knew of no other city that had passed such far-reaching ethics reform legislation.
City officials and public health experts said they knew of no other city - or even anystate - with such a broad, aggressive public health agenda.
He also said he knew of no city where students were performing as well as their suburban counterparts.
I know of no city on Terra with as high standards of good manners and consideration for one's fellow man as here in Luna.
She said she knew of no other city that has done so, although Los Angeles has used former gang leaders to reach out to active ones.
I know of no other modern city that permits its air space to be infested to this extent.
I know of no such city.
But he said he knew of no other city that had gone so far as to remove the barriers completely, perhaps out of fear that crime would quickly return.
Ms. Kenny said she knew of no other city in New Jersey that had filed for bankruptcy protection.
"I know of no such city," said Mick.