We know from external evidence that Milton is clearly talking about himself at this point.
But there was a problem: their description of what had happened did not fit with what the Americans knew from forensic evidence.
Before the discovery of Yutyrannus, it was among the largest dinosaurs known from direct evidence to be feathered.
But scientists already knew of the peccary's existence from evidence like preserved bones.
He knew from gross physical evidence that he was no longer hi the situation in which he'd been only a few seconds before.
Police always knew from available evidence that there was an unidentified participant in the rape who had not been caught.
However, the animal is known from scanty evidence.
Many of these animals are known from fossil evidence to have lived in the area at the time.
In particular, Christians should not make absurd dogmatic interpretations of scripture which contradict what people know from physical evidence.
He is only known from surviving numismatic evidence.